Saturday, December 03, 2005

malam memaksaku mencoba

malam memanggilku
mengukir namamu kembali
seperti gema
setengah menekan
luka itu
perih itu

tak membuatku gemetar
lupakah engkau?
telah membuatku gentar

sebegitu jauh kita
merintangi tawa
air mata
di atas tanah penuh kerakal
menahan waktu bersama
tanpa jeda
tiada kesah

tapi kenapa?

nalarku tak pernah sanggup
kenapa harus engkau?
yang sesaat menghentikan napas
menangisi malam-malam bahagia
mengusik riang
ketika merenangi hari

sedang telah kuiris separuh hatiku
sepanjang waktumu...

perih itu
juga luka
masih menetes
dari kelopakku...
tak ingatkah kau?


Auf Klarung said...

And, in just one second moment
In a twinkling of an eye
Time became still

And, i decided
It's time to leave it all behind
It's time to leaving you and move on...

With a forgiveness

You're no longer here
Following me underneat my mind
I'm not gonna mourn every single time we've been together
Those seconds, hours, days, and months to years

And now, I'm here
Right here right now, putting you in the corner of this small square room
And you'll just become an old cold dusty photograph

I've just saying goodbye...

Auf Klarung said...

Nice Poem : But people need to move on...There's someone else out there.
And what a pity if we stuck in a memories, mourning for miserable things that ever happen to us.
It's a way for us to learn how to live...
